Dishwasher Safe Waterproof Silkscreen Stickers

Nurture Yourself


daily journal of gratitude

Over a cup of tea every morning, I write 3 Amazing Things That Happened Yesterday and 3 Things I’m Grateful For in a specific journal. 

Sometimes amazing is hiking to the top of a mountain or finding the time to take a walk through our neighborhood with my wife and pup.

Sometimes I’m grateful that the sun rises everyday or for the beautiful people out there I get to call friends.

awesome journal stickers

It's hard to fully describe the positive mental shift this simple act of slowing down and writing 6 bullet points daily has done for me.

It puts in perspective every little thing along the way of life, increasing my overall feeling of fulfillment without buying anything or going anywhere. 

The second item in my quiver of fulfillment tools is walking daily if only just for 15 - 30minutes.  

walk daily for happiness

Even if you're in the city or in your neighborhood get outside and walk around a little bit. It's so easy not to do this, having a dog helps the motivation levels. We'll often drive 30 minutes just to walk for an hour in the forest for a bit ore of an escape.

These 2 simple acts that cost very little will hopefully bring you fresh creativity and some increased levels of fulfillment. Now here's a song to send you off on your way...

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  • Bryant AuCoin
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